Distributed energy solution for industries &industrial parks
Industries and industry parks require a large amount of energy of different forms, such as electricity and heat that use gas distributed energy supply. When the gas turbine generates electricity, the high-temperature exhaust gas passes the waste heat equipment to produce steam or hot water for customers, and to meet users’ drying demand. Compared with separated production of electricity and heat, it effectively avoids heat loss caused by pure heating or power generation, thus greatly improving energy utilization efficiency. Because it is close to users, it can match energy consumption needs of production and reduce electricity transmission losses. It can reduce the energy cost and emissions. At the same time, for industrial users with insufficient capacitor capacity, the grid capacity can be expanded which has good social, economic and environmental benefits.
Working Principle
Application Industry
Pharmaceuticals and detergent
ceramics and metal manufacturing
rubber and plastic products
Application cases -
paper-making, printing and wood processing
general machinery manufacturing
chemical, metal products
Application cases -
leather, fur and shoe-making
textile, printing, dyeing, and chemical fiber
Application cases -
foods, liquor and beverage processing,
Success Stories